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FUTHURE Guidelines

The most important EU's founding value are the fundamental rights. The European Commission, the EU Parliament and the Council highlighted the need to raise awareness on the fundamental rights as enshrined in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. To respond to this request, the FUTHURE Network engaged in awareness raising activities that contributed to strengthen a rights culture in the EU and its Member States. All of this was achieved thanks to the effective planned methodology of street debate that brought citizens together, policymakers, media, lawyers, etc. in debating about the Future of Fundamental Rights in Europe. The discussions started from the analyses of the impact the Charter had and has it at all levels: EU, nationally, regionally and locally. To provide support to EU institutions, the FUTHURE project by its final result, the “Guidelines for FUTHURE”, provided recommendations gathered from citizens, policy makers, and other actors about the Future of Human Rights in Europe.

In total, 286 respondents participated in the local debate activities and answered an online survey.

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